The PLAYMOBIL Novelmore Arena is the ultimate battleground for young knights. This exciting set lets kids recreate the epic duel between the Novelmore Knights and the Burnham Raiders. With its detailed design and numerous features, it’s perfect for imaginative play and role-playing adventures.
Includes: 1 Novelmore Knight (Arwynn), 1 Burnham Raider (Dash); Animals: 1 dragon; Accessories: 1 net, 1 pair of arm cuffs, 1 sword Novelmore, 1 dagger Novelmore, 2 cannon carts with wheels and cannon holder, 1 cannon, 2 cannonball shells, 1 headband, 1 small shield Novelmore, 1 pair of arm cuffs Burnham Raiders, 1 dagger Burnham Raiders, 1 sword Burnham Raiders, 1 small shield Burnham Raiders, 1 dragon cannon, 2 flame projectiles, 1 castle wall with door, 2 truss supports, 1 wooden platform, 1 cross link, 2 castle gates, 2 lattice windows, 2 lattice gates, 2 castle wall with window cutout, 1 trap door, 1 trap door lever, 3 door locks, 1 floor plate for trap door, 2 stone bases, 2 double battlements, 1 floor plate, 3 wooden walls, 1 wooden wall breakthrough, 1 rope ladder, 2 target shields, 2 fire bowls, 2 flames round, 2 flagpoles, 4 flags long, 4 chains, 1 trigger trapdoor, 1 wooden door, 1 turret frame stone, 1 ladder, 1 wall breakthrough stone, 1 cage, 1 wooden platform, 1 weir walk with net holder, 1 trapdoor metal, 1 crystal sword, 1 great sword, 1 front part great sword, 1 rear part Great Sword, 9 small flags, 1 large shield, 1 large shield handle, 1 shield with target, 1 adapter shield with target, 3 axes, 3 flame holders, 5 flames, 2 torch holders, 2 round metal handle, 3 rings, 1 barrel, 1 barrel lid, 3 flames small, 2 fences, 4 stand fence, 1 staff with target circle.
219 pieces
Ages 4 - 94